Kazimierz Siemienowicz
Persons, originating from Poland

Kazimierz Siemienowicz

Born: about 1600
Died: about 1651
Name in latin: Casimirus Siemienowicz
Name in Lithuanian: Kazimieras Simonavičius
He was a Polish–Lithuanian general of artillery, gunsmith, military engineer, and pioneer of rocketry. Born in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, he served the armies of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and of Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, a ruler of the Netherlands. No portrait or detailed biography of him has survived and much of his life is a subject of dispute. After contributing his expertise to several battles, Siemienowicz published Artis Magnae Artilleriae in 1650. This treatise, which discussed rocketry and pyrotechnics, remained a standard work in those fields for two centuries.
More information
Siemienowicz coat of            
  arms, Ostoja

Polonica stamps:

Belarus 1995, 30 XII
Chad 2015, I